Cryptocurrency Is The Future, Says Apple’s Wozniak


Wozniak sits at the head of Apple – expected to shortly become the world’s first trillion dollar company.

In comparison, ethereum is a minnow with a market cap of $68 billion.

But Wozniak is a cryptocurrency enthusiast – and the coin he most enthuses over is Ethereum.

“Ethereum interests me because it can do things and because it’s a platform,” he said, explaining that in the long term, the digital currency and blockchain could prove as influential as Apple.

Wozniak extols cryptocurrency as a store of value on a par with gold.

“There is a certain finite amount of bitcoin that can ever exist,” he has said.

Dollar is phony

“That makes it more genuine and real than the dollar, which is kind of phony since it is often manipulated for political reasons.

“Your house has value. And if it is a house today, 40 years from now, it still is a house in value, even if the price increases over time.

“Gold gets mined and mined and mined. Maybe there’s a finite amount of gold in the world, but Bitcoin is even more mathematical and regulated and nobody can change mathematics.”

But does Wozniak support his views with cryptocurrency holdings?

Apparently not.

In the past, he was ripped off by a scammer who stole his Bitcoin stash.

Now, he holds a single Bitcoin and two ether which he says is not an investment but an experiment to see how they work.

Fascinated by smart contracts

Which, he says, is just as well because he spent too much time following the volatile cryptocurrency markets.

“I had them so that I could someday travel and not use credit cards, wallets or cash,” Wozniak said.

“I could do it all on Bitcoin. I studied which hotels and facilities accepted Bitcoin. It’s still very difficult to do so.”

Besides Bitcoin, Wozniak confesses he finds the smart contract facilities built into cryptocurrency fascinating.

“There is a lot more to this cryptocurrency than just the Bitcoin,” he said.

“Smart contracts will open as many possibilities as the tens of thousands of software programs that no one could have imagined before the invention of computers.”

To that end, Wozniak believes the world is standing at the threshold of an exciting new technological age.